26th December 2024

Search Smeeton Westerby Parish Council

Smeeton Westerby Parish Council Serving the people of Smeeton Westerby

Smeeton Westerby Village Hall Current events and activities


11.00-1.30 Pilates (ring Helen 07855478143)

2.00-4.00 U3a line dancing (ring Pat 07443928673)

5.15-6.30 YOGA (ring Kim 07899800778)

7.00-8.00 Keep fit body tone (ring Janet 01162792810)


9.15-10.15 Pilates (ring Helen 07855478143)

10.30-12.30 (3rd Thurs of each month) U3A photography group (ring Karen

5.15-8.15 Shotokan Karate (ring Tim 07711144853)


2.00-3.15 YOGA (ring Kim 07899800778)

6.00-7.00 Keep fit body tone (ring Janet 01162792810)


9.15-11.30 Pilates (ring Helen 07855478143)

6.00-8.30 Kibworth Dance Company, Adult and children classes (ring Felicity 07775798994)


9.00-10.30 Rosen method movement

(ring Marzena 07961846110)


9.00-12.00 Shotokan Karate (ring Tim 07711144853)

As arrangements can change, please contact the class leader to confirm the dates and times of classes.

Last updated: Sun, 30 Apr 2023 19:14