13th January 2025

Search Smeeton Westerby Parish Council

Smeeton Westerby Parish Council Serving the people of Smeeton Westerby

Who we are & what we do

Smeeton Westerby is situated in South Leicestershire, England between the city of Leicester and the town of Market Harborough.

The Council generally meets five times a year and the venue is published on the Meetings Calendar for each month (see link on left). Meetings usually take place in the Village Hall.

Dates and agendas are posted on the notice board on Main Street and on this website. Meeting minutes are available on the website once approved.

Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings, and indeed Councillors wish to encourage public participation in local affairs. Provision is made for members of the public to speak on matters which appear on the agenda (published 5 days before the meeting and available to download from the Calendar page).

Council activities are funded by precept on Harborough District Council and accounts are subject to annual inspection by independent internal and external auditors.

Parish councils are the first tier of local government and are the closest elected body to the electors. The powers of parish councils are varied and for Smeeton Westerby include such things as provision of allotments, dog bins, litter bins, bus shelters, seats and shelters, and grass cutting.

Parish councils can employ staff (in our case the clerk) and also have the power to make local byelaws. As well as the direct provision of services parish councils also provide important input to proposals and services administered by other local and national organisations, including commenting on planning proposals, highways, drainage, local bus routes, health facilities etc.

A parish council is elected by the local community to serve the local community and anyone with an interest in local affairs can put themselves forward as a candidate at the 4 yearly elections. The decisions taken by the council impact on all residents of their area in terms of services and facilities available to residents, and also financially, as local councils fund their activities by means of a 'precept' on the council tax.

Last updated: Tue, 23 Aug 2016 13:31