Footpaths (Rights of Way)
In January 2017, following a period of consultation, Leicestershire County Council confirmed public path orders in relation to footpaths Z97, A88, A89 and A99. The Notice of Confirmation with further details of the amendments can be found below.
Public Path Orders - correspondence (PDF, 519 Kb)
Notice of Confirmation (PDF, 786 Kb)
Z88 runs in a westerly direction to Main Street.
Z89 runs from Saddington Road in a north easterly direction to Blacksmith's Lane.
Z90 leaves A93 at the stile on the south eastern corner of the Mill Lane Allotment Gardens, and continues in an easterly direction to Blacksmith's Lane.
Z91, forks away from Z89 just north east of Dunmar Stables, crosses Saddington Road just east of Dunmar Stables, and continues in a south easterly direction.
Z92 leaves Saddington Road at the same point and continues in a south easterly direction to the Western end of Westerby Lane.
Z93 leaves Z91 at the bridge over The Drain, and continues in a north easterly direction to Westerby Lane. It continues from Westerby Lane in a north easterly direction, crossing Pit Hill and continuing through the allotments.
Z96 leaves Debdale Lane, south west of the kennels, in a north easterly direction, crosses Gumley Road and continues in a westerly direction.
Z97 see above Public Path Diversion Order.
A88 and A89 see above Public Path Extinguishment Order
A91 runs from Mill Close along Mill Lane in a north westerly direction.
A92 leaves A93 west of Beaufield Farm in a south westerly direction, joins A91 to the west of Newstead Farm, and then leaves it in a south westerly direction to Saddington Road.
A93 leaves Saddington Road to the West of Christ Church and continues in a northerly direction, crossing Mill Lane to the east of the Allotment Gardens.
A95 runs south west to Smeeton Road
A96 leaves Weir Road to the south, turns west and then south again. Crossing Debdale Lane (track), then forks south east, then south to Debdale Lane.
A98 leaves Weir Road in a south east, then a south westerly direction, joins Debdale Lane (track) for a short distance, then forks left in a south easterly direction to Debdale Lane, opposite Beauchamp Farm.
A99 see above Public Path Creation Order
Leicestershire County Council is the responsible authority for the Rights of Way network. See more at:
The Ramblers association provides useful guidance on this:
The definitive map is the official record of the public's rights of way in an area. Just like the deeds to a house prove who the owner is, the definitive map proves that the public has a right to use the paths which are shown on it.
By claiming a right of way we mean getting it recorded on the definitive map. Once a right of way is on the definitive map it's easier to protect it and ensure it can be enjoyed by walkers.